  "Announcement Options": {
    "Display help information to players": true,
    "Information display interval (minutes)": 10
  "Command Options": {
    "Default chat command": "skin",
    "Re-skin direct command": "reskin",
    "Skin shop direct command": "skinshop"
  "Purchase Options": {
    "Enable purchase system": false,
    "Plugin used to purchase skins (ServerRewards, Economics)": "ServerRewards",
    "Default Skin Costs": {}
  "Skin Shop Options": {
    "Custom permissions which can be assigned to skins": [
    "NPC user IDs that players can interact with to open the skin shop": [],
    "Disable the '/skin shop' command and force players to access it via a NPC": false,
    "Allow players to sell unwanted skins back to the skin store": true,
    "Give player the item when they purchase a skin (this disables the reskin menu)": false,
    "Forced display mode for skin shop (Full, Minimalist, None)": "None",
    "Send a help message to players when exiting the skin shop": true,
    "List of shortnames for items to be blocked from appearing in the skin shop": []
  "Re-skin Options": {
    "NPC user IDs that players can interact with to open the re-skin menu": [],
    "Disable the '/skin' command and force players to access it via a NPC": false
  "Workshop Options": {
    "Disable approved skins from the skin shop": false,
    "Enable workshop skins in the skin shop": true,
    "Word filter for workshop skins. If the skin title partially contains any of these words it will not be available as a potential skin": [],
    "Force image URLs to use HTTP instead of HTTPS": false,
    "Steam API key (get one here": ""
  "UI Options": {
    "UI Colors": {
      "Background": {
        "Color (hex)": "#2b2b2b",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.7
      "Panel": {
        "Color (hex)": "#545554",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0
      "Button": {
        "Color (hex)": "#393939",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0
      "ButtonSelected": {
        "Color (hex)": "#d85540",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 7

Параметры конфигурации:

"Announcement Options" - Это опции, касающиеся автоматических объявлений игрокам о доступе к магазину скинов и меню reskin.

"Purchase Options" - These are options regarding the purchase of skins from the skin shop. You can select the plugin required to pay for these skins or disable the purchase system entirely and make all skins free

"Skin Shop Options" - Options regarding the skin shop.
-- "Custom permissions which can be assigned to skins" - These are permissions that can be assigned to skins to only allow VIP players access to purchase them. You can add/remove these permission as you see fit. When granting a permission it must be prefixed with "playerskins.<permission>"
-- "NPC user IDs that players can interact with to open the skin shop" - Here you can set NPC IDs (HumanNPC) which can be interacted with to open the skin shop
-- "Disable the '/skin shop' command and force players to access it via a NPC" - This will disable the '/skin shop' command entirely and force players to interact with NPCs to open the skin shop
-- "Allow players to sell unwanted skins back to the skin store" - By enabling this players will be able to sell unwanted skins back to the skin shop
-- "Give player the item when they purchase a skin" - This turns the skin shop into a item shop by giving the player the item with the skin they purchased. This disables the re-skin menu
-- "Forced display mode for skin shop (Full, Minimalist, None)" - This will force the UI mode a player can use. Set this to 'None' to allow players to switch between the large and small UI

"Re-skin Options" - Options regarding the reskin menu
-- "NPC user IDs that players can interact with to open the re-skin menu" - Here you can set NPC IDs (HumanNPC) which can be interacted with to open the reskin menu
-- "Disable the '/skin' command and force players to access it via a NPC" - This will disable the '/skin' command entirely and force players to interact with NPCs to open the reskin menu

"Workshop Options" - Options regarding Steam workshop and workshop skins
-- "Retrieve workshop skin information when the plugin loads" - By enabling this the plugin will connect to the Steam workshop and pull the latest list of workshop items. Disabling this will disable workshop skins throughout the entire plugin
-- "Word filter for workshop skins" - If a skin partially contains any words in this list it can not be imported to the skin shop

"UI Options" - Options regarding the UI coloring and style