Skill Tree
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Skill Tree - Этот плагин добавляет на ваш сервер систему развития персонажа в виде системы уровней и дерева навыков.

Игроки получают опыт за рубку деревьев, добычу камней, убийство неигровых персонажей и т. д., а при повышении уровня они получают очки навыков.

Эти очки можно использовать для разблокировки перков и баффов в различных деревьях навыков.

Плагин чрезвычайно настраиваемый, и владельцы серверов могут изменять, перемещать, масштабировать или отключать любую привилегию, чтобы адаптировать настройку к своему серверу.

  • 81 уникальный тип баффов.
  • 11 уникальных деревьев умений.
  • 61 источник XP с настраиваемыми значениями.
  • Функциональная древовидная система, которая предотвращает разблокировку/обновление узлов, если игрок не вложил в дерево достаточное количество очков навыков.
  • Настраиваемые ограничения на количество очков навыков, которые могут потратить игроки, что позволяет создавать более специализированные сборки.
  • Возможность построения собственных дополнительных деревьев и узлов.
SkillTree позволяет пользователям сосредоточиться на нескольких деревьях навыков и открывать узлы в каждом дереве по мере повышения уровня, чтобы сделать своих персонажей более сильными и уникальными.

Name: Mining Yield
Key: 1
Value: 1
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while mining.

Name: Instant Mine
Key: 2
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly mine out a stone, sulfur or metal node.

Name: Smelt On Mine
Key: 3
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to smelt some of the ore as its mined from sulfur and metal nodes.

Name: Mining Luck
Key: 4
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Mining luck loot table when they finish mining a node.

Name: Mining Tool Durability
Key: 5
Value: 1
Description: Decreses the durability loss of mining tools.

Name: Woodcutting Yield
Key: 6
Value: 1
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while woodcutting.

Name: Instant Chop
Key: 7
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly chop down a tree.

Name: Woodcutting Coal
Key: 8
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain some charcoal while woodcutting.

Name: Woodcutting Luck
Key: 9
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Woodcutting luck loot table when they finish cutting down a tree.

Name: Woodcutting Tool Durability
Key: 10
Value: 1
Description: Decreses the durability loss of woodcutting tools.

Name: Skinning Yield
Key: 11
Value: 1
Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while skinning.

Name: Instant Skin
Key: 12
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly cut up an animal.

Name: Skinning Tool Durability
Key: 13
Value: 1
Description: Decreases the durability loss of skinning tools.

Name: Skinning Cook
Key: 14
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance to received cooked meat, instead of raw meat, while skinning an animal.

Name: Harvest Wild Yield
Key: 15
Value: 1
Description: Increases the yield when harvesting map generated collectibles, such as berries, hemp, stone, sulfur and mushrooms.

Name: Harvest Grown Yield
Key: 16
Value: 1
Description: Increases the yield when harvesting player grown produce.

Name: Extra Fish
Key: 17
Value: 1
Description: Gives the user a chance of receiving an extra fish while fishing.

Name: Double Bandage Heal
Key: 18
Value: 0
Description: Doubles the healing power of cloth bandages.

Name: Radiation Reduction
Key: 19
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the amount of radiation damage taken by the player.

Name: Extra Food
Key: 20
Value: 1
Description: Increases the amount of calories the player receives when consuming food.

Name: Fire Damage Reduction
Key: 21
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the amount of fire damage received.

Name: Fall Damage Reduction
Key: 22
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the amount of fall damage received.

Name: No Cold Damage
Key: 23
Value: 0
Description: Removes all cold damage from the player.

Name: Wounded Resist
Key: 24
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to get straight back on their feet after entering the wounded state.

Name: Animal Damage Resist
Key: 25
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the damage taken by animals.

Name: Riding Speed
Key: 26
Value: 1
Description: Increases the speed of a horse while riding it.

Name: Free Bullet Chance
Key: 27
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to not expend a bullet when firing a gun.

Name: Primitive Expert
Key: 28
Value: 0
Description: Removes durability loss for primitive weapons.

Name: Upgrade Refund
Key: 29
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their resources back when upgrading a building block.

Name: Craft Speed
Key: 30
Value: 1
Description: Increases the crafting speed of a player.

Name: Research Refund
Key: 31
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their scrap back when researching an item on the research bench.

Name: Craft Refund
Key: 32
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their crafting materials back when crafting an item.

Name: Extra Scrap Barrel
Key: 33
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to receive additional scrap when destroying a barrel.

Name: Barrel Smasher
Key: 34
Value: 0
Description: Allows the player to instantly smash a barrel with any weapon.

Name: Extra Scrap Crate
Key: 35
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain extra scrap when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Component Chest
Key: 36
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Electronic Chest
Key: 37
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when looting a crate for the first time.

Name: Component Barrel
Key: 38
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when smashing a barrel.

Name: Electronic Barrel
Key: 39
Value: 1
Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when smashing a barrel.

Name: Melee Resist
Key: 40
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the damage taken by melee weapons.

Name: Iron Stomach
Key: 41
Value: 0
Description: Allows the player to eat spoiled and raw food without being poisoned.

Name: Boat Speed
Key: 42
Value: 1
Description: Allows the user to activate a turbo boost while on a boat, increasing the boats speed.

Name: Recycler Speed
Key: 43
Value: 2
Description: Increases the speed of recycling for the player.

Name: Smelt_Speed
Key: 44
Value: 1
Description: Adds a chance for ore to smelt whenever wood is consumed, in addition to the standard smelt rate.

Name: Heli_Fuel_Rate
Key: 45
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your helicopters.

Name: Boat_Fuel_Rate
Key: 46
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your boats.

Name: Vehicle_Mechanic
Key: 47
Value: 0
Description: Allows the user to repair a vehicle at no cost.

Name: Reviver
Key: 48
Value: 1
Description: Brings a wounded player up with additional health if the reviving player has the buff.

Name: Rationer
Key: 49
Value: 1
Description: Provides the consumer a chance to receive their food/tea back once consumed.

Name: PVP_Critical
Key: 50
Value: 1
Description: Gives the attacker a chance to critically damage the target in PVP.

Name: PVP_Damage
Key: 51
Value: 1
Description: Increases the damage of all PVP attacks.

Name: PVP_Shield
Key: 52
Value: 1
Description: Reduces the damage of all incoming PVP attacks.

Name: Metabolism_boost
Key: 53
Value: 1
Description: Increases your calories and hydration above the maximum.

Name: LootPickup
Key: 54
Value: 1
Description: Chance to have the loot from destroyed barrels given moved directly to their inventory.

Name: Node_Spawn_Chance
Key: 55
Value: 1
Description: Chance to spawn a new node when a new one is mined out.

Name: HealthRegen
Key: 56
Value: 3
Description: Passively regenerates x health per second

Name: AnimalTracker
Key: 57
Value: 0
Description: Allows the user to use the /track command to find the direction of the closest animal.

Name: ExtraPockets
Key: 58
Value: 4
Description: Creates a backpack style storage system, providing players the ability to access the storage using a chat command (/pouch). Slots are given based on points spent.

Name: Human_NPC_Damage
Key: 59
Value: 1
Description: Increases damages against scientists.

Name: Animal_NPC_Damage
Key: 60
Value: 1
Description: Increases damages against animals.

Name: Human_NPC_Defence
Key: 61
Value: 1
Description: Decrease damage from scientist.

Name: Craft_Duplicate
Key: 62
Value: 1
Description: Chance to duplicate an item while crafting.

Name: WaterBreathing
Key: 63
Value: 2
Description: Breath underwater.

Name: SharkResistance
Key: 64
Value: 1
Description: Reduce damage taken from sharks.

Name: SharkSkinner
Key: 65
Value: 1
Description: Chance to receive random items while skinning sharks.

Name: DeepSeaLooter
Key: 66
Value: 1
Description: Chance to receive additional items while looting sunken crates.

Name: InstantUntie
Key: 67
Value: 0
Description: Instantly untie sunken crates.

Name: UnderwaterDamageBonus
Key: 68
Value: 1
Description: Increase damage to all living things while underwater (including underwater labs).

Name: Permission
Key: 69
Value: 5
Description: Used for permission based skills.

Name: MaxRepair
Key: 70
Value: 0
Description: Resets the max condition for any items that are repaired.

Name: Durability
Key: 71
Value: 0
Description: Reduces condition loss for all items that the player is using.

Name: Regrowth
Key: 72
Value: 0
Description: Provides a chance for a tree to respawn when cut down.

Name: Woodcutting_Ultimate
Key: 991
Value: 0
Description: Harvests the surrounding trees when cutting down a tree.

Name: Mining_Ultimate
Key: 992
Value: 0
Description: Provides access to a chat command to see all surrounding node locations.

Name: Combat_Ultimate
Key: 993
Value: 0
Description: Heals the player for a percentage of the damage that they deal to all sources.

Name: Vehicle_Ultimate
Key: 994
Value: 0
Description: Reduces damage dealt to the players mounted vehicle (default 100% deduction).

Name: Harvester_Ultimate
Key: 995
Value: 0
Description: Allows the player to set the genetic composition of plants.

Name: Medical_Ultimate
Key: 996
Value: 0
Description: Gives the player a chance to resurrect at their point of death if they choose to.

Name: Skinning_Ultimate
Key: 997
Value: 0
Description: Killing an animal with this buff active will provide the player with an enhanced ability for a period of time, depending on the animal killed.
- Chicken: No fall damage.
- Boar: Chance to find components while harvesting mushrooms and berries.
- Wolf: Increased healing while near team mates.
- Stag: Notification when a neutral player is nearby, and their last known location (configurable).
- Bear: Scientists will not attack the player unless attacked.
- Polarbear: Overshield.

Name: Build_Craft_Ultimate
Key: 998
Value: 0
Description: Use any coloured swipe cards in any reader.

Name: Scavengers_Ultimate
Key: 999
Value: 0
Description: Will automatically recycle components from barrels when they are broken.

Опыт можно получить из разных источников. Значение для каждого источника можно настроить через конфигурацию.
  • NodeHit - Hitting a stone, metal or sulfur mining node.
  • NodeHitFinal - Finishing a stone, metal or sulfur mining node.
  • TreeHit - Hitting a tree.
  • TreeHitFinal - Knocking down a tree.
  • SkinHit - Hitting an animal with a skinning tool.
  • SkinHitFinal - Finishing off an animal with a skinning tool.
  • CollectWildPlant - Collecting any map generated collectible, such as hemp, corn, pumpkin, stone, sulfur or metal.
  • CollectGrownPlant - Collecting any player grown produce.
  • BuildingBlockDeployed - Placing down a twig building block.
  • FishCaught - Catching a fish.
  • Crafting - Whenever a craft is successfully completed. XP is calculated based on the duration of the craft.
  • ScientistNormal - Killing a blue scientist.
  • ScientistHeavy - Killing a heavy scientists.
  • SmallAnimal - Killing a small animal such as a chicken.
  • MediumAnimal - Killing a medium animal such as a boar, wolf or stag.
  • LargeAnimal - Killing a large animal such as a horse, shark or bear.
  • Barrel - Destroying barrels.
  • RoadSign - Destroying road signs.
  • Scarecrow - Killing scarecrows or a zombie in ZombieHorde.
  • Mission - Completing a mission in rust.
  • BradleyAPC - Getting the last hit on Bradley.
  • LootHackedCrate - First player to loot a locked crate.
  • LootHeliCrate - First player to loot a heli crate.
  • LootBradleyCrate - First player to loot a bradley crate.
  • CookingMealXP - (Requires cooking plugin) XP is calculated per ingredient used. Example 2 tomatos and 8 bear meat would yield 100xp.
  • RaidableBaseCompletion - Awards raiders of a RaidableBase xp upon the completion of the raid.
  • Win_HungerGames - Awards xp to the winner of the Hunger Games arena.
  • Win_ScubaArena - Awards xp to the winner of the Scuba arena.
  • Win_Skirmish - Awards xp to the winner of the Skirmish arena.
  • Gut_Fish - Awards xp when gutting a fish.
  • default_botrespawn - default amount xp given when killing a bot made using botrespawn. Overriding values can be added to the config based on the bot group.
  • crate_basic - when opening crates
  • crate_elite - when opening crates
  • crate_mine - when opening crates
  • crate_normal - when opening crates
  • carte_normal_2 - when opening crates
  • crate_normal_2_food - when opening crates
  • crate_normal_2_medical - when opening crates
  • crate_tools - when opening crates
  • crate_underwater_advanced - when opening crates
  • crate_underwater_basic - when opening crates
  • crate_ammunition - when opening crates
  • crate_food_1 - when opening crates
  • crate_food_2 - when opening crates
  • crate_fuel - when opening crates
  • crate_medical - when opening crates
  • Harbor_Event_Winner - Winner of the Harbor event plugin.
  • Junkyard_Event_Winner - winner of the Junkyard event plugin.
  • PowerPlant_Event_Winner - winner of the Power plant event plugin.
  • Satellite_Event_Winner - winner of the Satellite event plugin.
  • Water_Event_Winner - winner of the Water event plugin.
  • Air_Event_Winner - winner of the Air event plugin.
  • Armored_Train_Winner - winner of the Armored train plugin.
  • Convoy_Winner - winner of the Convoy event plugin.
  • Supply_drop - first player that opens a supply drop.
  • SurvivalArena_Winner - winning the SurvivalArena event.

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  • NpcRaiders
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  • ZombieHorde
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Последние обновления

  1. 1.5.0

    * Fixed errors with the givexptoall and givesptoall commands. * Added option for the medical...
  2. 1.4.13

    * Added support for the foragers and sonar buffs to show distance. * Fixed a message issue when...
  3. 1.4.12

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