Skill Tree
* Fixed errors with the givexptoall and givesptoall commands.
* Added option for the medical ultimate to prevent in PVP death.
* Added HookMethod to API: float GetBuffValue(BasePlayer player, string skill) - Returns the buff value for the specified buff.
* Added a prestige system [default off]
* Updated the way the plugin runs the reset commands for levels. Only relies on the data file instead of BasePlayer.allPlayerList.
* Added console command for updatexptable
* Added new HookMethod: AwardXP(ulong userid, double value, string plugin, bool noMod = false)
* XP awarded to the player while they are offline will now be added to a pending pool, which will be awarded when they next connect.
* Separated player save data into individual files, rather than 1 large data file.
* Added an option for the Raiding ultimate to use the MLRS on the map, rather than spawning MLRS rockets above the players head.
* Prevented resource yield stacking with tea bonuses, unless the player has the skilltree.teabonus permission. (Thanks Nivex)
* Fixed an issue that would prevent xp from all crates if bradley and heli crate xp was set to 0.
* Wrapped RunResetCommands in a try catch to prevent it from stopping player data reset.
* Added cooldown option for woodcutting ultimate.
* Added cooldown option for Double_Bandage_Heal.
* Added cooldown option for Wounded_Resist.
* Added a number of config options to disable certain chat messages.
* Added a new Tree: Team. This tree is focused around team based benefits.
* Added a new skill: Comfort. This turns the player into a source of comfort for all nearby team members.
* Added a new skill: Heal-Share. When the user receives healing, a percentage of the health received is shared with nearby team mates.
* Added a new skill: XP_Share. When the user receives xp, a percentage of the xp is shared with nearby team mates.
* Added a new skill: Tea_Share. When the user drinks a tea, a percentage of the teas modifiers are shared with nearby team mates, unless their current modifiers are better.
* Added a new skill: Metabolism_Share. When the player receives calories or hydration, a percentage of it is also given to nearby team mates.
* Added a new skill: Human_Workbench. This skill turns the player into a walking workbench, providing them and all nearby team mates with access to a workbench equal to the skills level.
* Updated Double Explosive change to work with RF Explosives.
* Added console command to delete player data: stremoveplayerdata <userid>
* Fixed a number of Overflow exceptions caused by infinite healing loops after the last oxide update.
* Fixed an issue with the respect cost multiplier showing the incorrect value in the warning message.
* Updated the language for the respect cost multiplier message.
* Fixed an issue with Fishing Luck not triggering.
* Fixed an issue with Skill Tree XP Event.
* Updated Harmony Patching for forced wipe.
* Added support for the foragers and sonar buffs to show distance.
* Fixed a message issue when using MLRS on the same position.
* Added API: GetXPStats(ulong id). Returns object[]: int level, double xp, double current level start xp, double next level start xp.
* Added optional argument for the console command: givexp <target> <amount> <ignore modifiers>. This will allow raw xp to be given without permission or rested modifiers.
* Added command: givexptoall <amount> <online only: true/false>
* Added command: givesptoall <amount> <online only: true/false>
* Added config option to require a permission be active for a player to participate in the Roguelike feature if enabled (skilltree.roguelike).
* Fixed an issue with boat speeds slowing down once the turbo perk was disabled.
* Added lang support for custom skills.
* Updated the implementation of buff descriptions. This will allow buffs with more involved descriptions to display their descriptions if used as an ultimate.
* Updated SkillTreeXPEvent integration so it will only call on the plugin if an event is running (Requires SkillTreeXPEvent 1.0.1+).
* Updated an error with the AnimalBuffFinishedMsg lang entry.
* Added support for Gingerbread NPCs.
* Added support for a Roguelike mode in the config. This will reset players data on death (defalt: disabled).
* Fixed an issue where the Track command would locate deployed animals from DeployableNature.
* Passed source_string through STCanGainXP hook.
* Added support for SkillTreeXPEvent.
* Prevented clones from working with the Harvesting Ultimate.
* Added new skill: Sonar. This skill allows the user to run the configured command (default: sonar) to show all submerged objects (configurable) on their HUD.
* Fixed an issue with the cooking ultimate adding the raiding ultimate cooldown when displaying the on cool down message.
* Added config option to prevent skin IDs from force updating when set to 0.
* Added the locate nodes command to UI
* Added a config option to control xp based on crafting time.
* Added support for events: Arctic Base Event, Gas Station Event, Sputnik event and Shipwreck Event.
* Added localization for a number of different messages.
* Fixed an issue with instant skinner not triggering final hit xp.

* Fixed an issue with instant skinner not triggering final hit xp.
* Fixed an issue with custom node permissions not registering.
* Added a large number of missing language options for UI and chat messages.
* Fixed an issue with starting point permission overrides not working.
* Fixed an issue with the Barrel Smasher perk not functioning correctly.
* Wrapped all foreach loops on Unload with Try/Catch to prevent errors from existing Unload method.

* Updated the barrel smasher perk to only work with barrels.
* Added console command: globalresetmlrs. This will reset the MLRS cooldown for all players.
* Fixed an issue that was making the Extended_Tea_Duration buff global.
* Fixed an issue with OnPlayerInput being subscribed even when the config is set to false.
* Fixed an issue with the ExtraPockets button appearing when logging in, despite it being disabled.
* Fixed a rare issue causing HV rockets not working with Blast Suit.
* Fixed an issue with Harmony patching being messed up by EpicLoot.
* Updated the Heli_Fuel_Rate and Heli_Speed buffs to work with the new Attack heli.
* Added config option to allow Pick lock to unlock the lock entity, rather than simply provide access (default: false).
* Fixed compile error for Carbon.
* Added new skill: Spawn_Health. Sets the players health to 100x the modifier (default 1.0) when they respawn.
* Updated the data initialization to remove and refund trees that the player does not have access to.
* Updated the tree based permissions to update when a player moves to/from a group.
* Patched the OnResearchCostDetermine exception.

* Fixed a compile issue with Harmony

* Added null check when dismounting boat.
* Updated the Extra Pockets skill to work with PocketDimensions
* Updated for September forced wipe.
* Patched compile error that was being experienced with Carbon.

* Added Minimum points requirement field for trees. This requires the players to have spent x points in order to unlock the tree.
* Added permission based overrides for min level and min point requirements for trees. These can be added to the config using addleveloverride and addpointoverride console commands.
* Change the tiering of skills to be adjustable at the tree level, rather than a global level.
* Added UI to show how many points the player has left to spend to unlock the next row.
* Added option for Mining_Hotspot and Woodcutting_Hotspot to take a Percentage buff type. This will roll a chance based on the players modifier to treat the hit as a hotspot.
* Added permission option for individual nodes. Players without the correct permission will not see the node in the tree.
* Added ultimate for cooking: Burst of Energy. This will allow the user to use a command to apply a number of different tea buffs to themselves.
* Added option to disable BotRespawn support for profile tracking and xp handling.
* Added new skill: Trap_Spotter - Provides the chance to paint nearby trap locations.
* Added new skill: Rod_Tension_Bonus - Provides a bonus to rod tension while fishing.
* Added new skill: Forager - Will display the location of nearby collectables on the players screen.
* Added config option to allow UnderwaterDamageBonus to to work in PVP.
* Added check for safe zone when attempting to drop Extra Pockets bag.
* Added option to disable the pump bar.
* Added config option to prevent the raiding ultimate from triggering for a specified period of time after wipe.
* Added xp support for NPCRaiders
* Added xp support for JetEvent
* Updated Extra_Fish perk to guarantee additional fish over 100%, and roll for extra fish using the remainder.
* Updated the UpdateInstancedData method to refund skill points for disabled skills, or skills that the player does not have permissions for where applicable.
* Prevented the resetting of level rewards when we are not wiping the player's data.
* Moved 2 skills over to Harmony Patching.
* Updated the STCanGainXP hooks:
* - STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity source, double value)
* - STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, string plugin, double value)
* - You can now return a double value to override the xp value, or another non-null value to prevent xp gain.
* Fixed an issue where stroke of luck wouldn't respawn nodes.
* Fixed an issue with BotRespawn NPCs preventing xp being given in some instances.
* Fixed an issue with extra scrap not working.
* Fixed an issue where the metal ore triggered the final xp twice.
* Fixed a bug with the vehicle ultimate causing entities deployed on a tugboat to detatch visually.